More of my students from my Tues/Thurs. 10am. Vivian, Bonnie and Judy. These are my "talkative" ladies. (but they still keep up with the exercises!)
My awesome cake. It had lemon in the middle. MMMMmmmm, it was so good! And I got to take the rest home. Austin loved that, so did Eric and Kain played with his!
More of my Tues/Thursday class. I love them all. They are so sweet!
Wed/Friday class.
Posey helped write down everything I was opening. I have a lot of "Thank you's" to be written this weekend!
I received so many cards and gifts it was such a nice surprise!
And a lot of cute outfits.. all green and yellow, one of the "guys" in my class got me a blue outfit and a pink outfit (it was kinda humorous) and my favorite was this cute white little outfit with star pants and the little sweatshirt reads: "I Love Mommy". It's my favorite! :)
The cutest, most softest little dog. Which couldn't be more perfect because Austin and Kain both have dogs they sleep with.
Even the boys were showered with gifts. They got these bouncy balls and play-doh sets.
Austin was pretty excited. He says, "I love having babies" ha ha... let's see if he's still saying this in 8 weeks!
It was such a nice time. I was showered with so many nice things. I am so thankful everyday for all my students. Without them I wouldn't have this wonderful job. (if I can even call it that!).
And of coarse I feel bad because I just put in my notice to retire my Wed & Sunday classes. My last class will be the last week in August. It breaks my heart to say good-bye to everyone but I am trying to make my life a little easier if that's possible without giving it all up.
And I am only teaching 2 classes next week due to Austin being in Vacation Bible School. Hopefully they don't think I've abandoned them for too long. My last day will be Sept. 15th.