Monday, February 24, 2014

Scooters, Skateboards, Feb. 13 & 14th

Hows that for a title.. As I was downloading pictures from Eric's birthday I found a whole lot more so I thought I would add it all into one big blog post!

FEB. 14th







Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kain turns 5!

Kain is the happiest little boy in the world. I seriously think he was just born "thankful" for everything. He had a fun morning with Grandma Jo and Grandma. They decorated the front room for him and he was so excited. He waited patiently until we got home around 2 to go to Chuck E Cheese and when we got home he opened all his presents. He never complained once about waiting on us, but simply said that this was the "Best day of his 5 year old life"! 

Happiest Of Birthdays to my Favorite Middle man!!! He's now 5. And Mela still is singing about how Kain is 5 today!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sliding down the Sand Hills-Hermosa Beach & Something Missing...

Austin has these days called Student Free Days... not sure why we have so many.. but we do and Kain seems to have school when he has these days so I try to embrace every single second with my big kid and Mela. He loves it too.. I know this because he tells me how much fun he has! And I'm sure it helps that Mela worships everything about him right now too.. So they are really good together. Last Monday, We picked up Kain and met up with some friends in Hermosa Beach. Lou, Jeanie, Marie, Rocco and Zoe. Everyone had a great time. Austin really enjoyed doing the pulling... after getting super hot he decided he would hit the waves. 

 Austin and Rocco were loving the water. I put my feet in and it was super cold... 

 Kain and his BFF, Lou. 

 Kain and Lou

 I love Hermosa Beach. The pier has the most beautiful view from every spot on the beach!

 On Sunday... during the Superbowl *Feb. 2.. Kain had a wiggle tooth. He was excited. By the time we put him to bed that's all he could think about. About 30 min. into bedtime, Austin is screaming for me, Kain I could hear was kinda crying so when I ran back there Kain was spitting up in his hand all the blood and a tooth was sitting there. When we washed him up he said he "bit his tooth" and it just came out.. so he popped it out. He was so excited and so proud and could not wait for the tooth fairy. He then went right to sleep. The tooth fairy was generous, $5. And he's still showing off his new "Space"